Not entirely sure how accurate this is, i've just exported the data from the GPS tracker. Looks like we swam across the lake at the end, don't think the elevation is entirely correct, it has our moving time as 9 hours and says we started at 00:28 instead of 00:00. It also has me down as doing some 4 second miles!! I'm guessing it only records GPS data every minute or so to save battery, but that has meant the GPS track has probably cut corners and not got our exact route. Oh Well, it's a good record anyway and I've done it which is the main thing in 23:18.
Pat B. Jul 06, 2015
Change the type to race instead of run. Then it includes the "stop time" which in reality is the time you are moving slowly uphill.
Pat B. Jul 06, 2015
Congratulations on getting around. That leg 2 was a bit of a challange in those conditions.
Edward B. Jul 07, 2015
Absolutely bonkers :)