Caving: Daren Cilau (31-Oct-03)

Caving Logbook

Caving: Daren Cilau (31-Oct-03)

  • Daren Cilau

  • 40:00 hours
  • 1,354:00 cumulative hours

An excellent trip to almost the end of Darren Cillau. Friday night: We had a steady trip to Hard Rock Caf?. It took us a little while to find the camping stuff which we eventually found hidden in a chamber near to Bonsai Streamway. We then speant a little while preparing the campsite before heading down to have a look at the Pwll-Cym Sump from the inside. After a hot meal it was into the cold sandy sleeping bags. Saturday: After breakfast and reluctantly getting into our caving kit we headed off further into the cave. The aim was to get to the end of the cave and then back to Hard Rock. There was a number of places where navigation caused us problems but eventually we made it to the Restaurant. Here we had a hot drink and Phill, NikNak and I left the others behind and headed off towards the end. Further, more major, route finding problems were encountered which lost us a lot of time. We also found some very tight sand squeezes whixh weren't the way on. We got to point where NikNak didn't want to go any further due to how tight some of the sand squeezes were and also we were running out of time so we decided to head back. We were not very far from the end at this point anyway. The way back went a lot quicker than the way in due to less route finding problems. We arrived back at Hard Rock camp to find the others preparing us a hot drink. Sunday: We had no enthusiasm to get out of bed and into our wet kit as we knew that we had to go out and face the entrance crawl. After cooking breakfast in our beds we were eventually forced to get ready and head out. No major problems on the way out but the entrance crawl was particularly cold and horrible.

Strava Stats

Recent Last 4 weeks

3 nr
14 mi
826 ft
0 nr
0 mi
0 ft
1 nr
1 mi


31 nr
113 mi
9,011 ft
2 nr
47 mi
2,184 ft
32 nr
40 mi

All-Time Stats

1,498 nr
10,346 mi
809,530 ft
907 nr
5,916 mi
441,165 ft
85 nr
102 mi
